ArchivesJanuary, 2012


I have been watching a lot of Battlestar Galactica recently and was inspired to draw an image of a spaceship with another exploding in the background.  The image I saw in my head greatly reminded me of “Wham!” by Roy Lichtenstein, that famous pop artist guy form the 1950s-on.  Lichtenstein controversially knocked off a bunch of comic strips and claimed his copies to be altered enough to present a new context and meaning.  Roy really didn’t do much more than make the paintings really big, whic…Continue Reading


So my project this last weekend was to turn the chicken from that book I did last year, Margaret, into a knitting pattern.  For Christmas my mom made a sweater vest for my close friend Henry Jardim that had an image of a frog knitted into the front.  She had a lot of fun making it and Henry has had a lot of fun wearing it.  When she finished the sweater she told me that she would like to do one for me and asked me what I wanted.  I’ve never been very picky on what gifts I receive – I alwa…Continue Reading


Here are a couple of sketches that I did of my two cousins over this past week.  They were visiting while their aunt was away at a wedding in Maryland.

Bill’s on the left. He loves sports and is very smart. Sarah Beth is his sister and she likes to pout. She’s also very smart and knows a lot about dinosaurs – more than anyone I know (Except, maybe, my baby brother, Oliver).

I know I said in a previous post that I would post art I made as Christmas presents, but I only really made one thin…Continue Reading