ArchivesMay, 2012


I love my mom, most people do.  She is 84 years old and adopted me as her own in her early 60s and worked hard to provide for me. She sacrificed a lot for me, even though she did not give birth. I needed a mother as an infant and she was the one willing to step in and assume that role.

My mother has worked hard all her life. She grew up poor in rural Alabama and learned a hard day’s work before her teens. She would pick coton for a nickel an hour, with no shoes. Her parents were tough and wa…Continue Reading


So I drew this pretty picture for my girlfriend’s birthday. We have this inside joke where I tease her for looking like a puffed up bird when she’s upset. She thought it was cute and sweet but was confused on who was the bird and who was her. The strange thing is that she is both the bird and the girl holding the bird, which is really supposed to be me.

The picture illustrates Rinik, my girlfriend, stuck in a time loop in an alternate dimension where she is playing the role of both me and he…Continue Reading