I have been watching a lot of Battlestar Galactica recently and was inspired to draw an image of a spaceship with another exploding in the background.  The image I saw in my head greatly reminded me of “Wham!” by Roy Lichtenstein, that famous pop artist guy form the 1950s-on.  Lichtenstein controversially knocked off a bunch of comic strips and claimed his copies to be altered enough to present a new context and meaning.  Roy really didn’t do much more than make the paintings really big, which has an effect, and change all of them to the primary color palette.  I think this is lazy on his creative part.  I decided to do some copies of the copies that Lichtenstein created.  I had fun changing them, yet I tried to retain the recognizability of the image in relation to the original work.  Here are the first five, starting with the space ship one, and I hope to do more later:

click any image to make it larger


"I'd rather drown"

"Yeah... Okay..."

"I am not a Superman"

"Ey C'mon!"